Get Help is Welch's knowledgebase, covering basic questions of general interest to the Johns Hopkins University and Medicine community. Contact your informationist for in-depth questions or to request a consultation.
Accessing Electronic Resources
- How do I access Welch resources from off-campus?
- How do I access electronic reserve readings for a course I am taking?
- How do I access Bates’ Visual Guide to Physical Examination?
- How do I access ClinicalKey?
- How do I access UpToDate?
- Why do I need to log in?
- How do alumni access library resources?
- Can a contractor access library resources?
Finding Library Experts
- Who can help me search for the resources I need?
- Who is the informationist for my department?
- Who do I contact about checking out items, renewals, and recalls?
- Who do I contact about the Welch Medical Library Collection?
- Who do I contact about IT at Welch Medical Library?
- How do I contact the director of the Welch Medical Library?
- How do I contact Chesney Medical Archives?
- How do I contact the Department of the History of Medicine?
Searching the Collection
- How do I save PubMed searches?
- How do I set up alerts in PubMed for journals' table of contents?
- What is gray literature? How do I search for it?
- How do I request a print item (book, journal, or media) in Catalyst for pickup at a JH Library?
- How do I search for a journal?
- How do I search for a book?
- How can I browse for articles, journals, or books?
- How do I use the Johns Hopkins catalog?
Requesting Resources
- How do I request an article?
- Where do I pick up requested items?
- How do I make a BorrowDirect request?
- Who do I contact about BorrowDirect?
- Should I choose BorrowDirect or interlibrary loan?
- How long does it take to receive requested materials?
- How do I make an interlibrary loan request?
- Who do I contact about Interlibrary Loan or Document Delivery?
- How do I recommend an item for purchase?
Managing Citations
- How do I get help with RefWorks?
- How do I get help with EndNote?
- How do I get help with Zotero?
- How do I get help with Mendeley?
- How do I choose a citation manager?
- How do I get PubMed references into a citation manager?
- How do I insert citations from RefWorks into a document?
- How do I export citations from Legacy RefWorks to RefWorks?
- What happened to RefWorks Legacy?
- How do I export citations from EndNote to RefWorks?
- What is the OpenURL and Authentication URL for EndNote?
- What happens to my RefWorks account when I leave Hopkins?
- Do Johns Hopkins affiliates get discounts on citation management software?
Using On-Site Resources
- Where do I find study spaces?
- Where can I go to use computers, printers, and copiers?
- Where is the Welch Service Center?
- Where is the Welch Medical Library?
- How do I visit the Institute of the History of Medicine Collection?
- Is the Welch Medical Library Building open to the public?
- How do I plan an event at the Welch Medical Library Building?
- Who can use Welch Medical Library?
Checking Out, Renewing and Returning Materials
- Who do I contact about checking out items, renewals, and recalls?
- What are the loan periods for checked out items?
- How do I request a print item (book, journal, or media) in Catalyst for pickup at a JH Library?
- How do I access my print request and loan history?
- How do I see what items I have checked out?
- How do I renew items?
- Where do I return items?
- What happens if an item I checked out is lost or damaged?